[Amps] Blowing off steam

Will Matney craxd1 at ezwv.com
Wed Oct 20 11:57:41 EDT 2004

Not to break up a good conversation here about extra large amps, but I 
gotta comment on something I've noticed over the past few days on Ebay. 
I've been watching several pieces of equipment, and I have to say, the 
general population, or the ones who are bidding there, flat puts me 
beside myself. I've watched the price on several old Heathkit dip 
meters, with several days to go for the auction, go up from day one, to 
almost $75-$80 dollars! I meant the same ones bidding every day, several 

(1) Why bid on an item with five days to go, all the while raising the 
end price?

(2) Why do the same ones keep doing it, over, and over, and over?

(3) Do they have endlessly deep pockets from which money flows?

(4) Are they so dense that they can not tell what they are doing?

(5) Why does it bother them that someone outbid them with that many days 
to go, then keep on bidding back?

(6) Why aren't these folks smart enough to wait at least to the last day 
to bid, or better yet, if they're home, bid at the last minute?

(7) Do these same people not understand anything about economics, or 
what they are doing?

All in all, it makes me think about Jay Leno's "Jay Walking" skit. I 
didn't know there was that many folks out there that dense.

Shaking my head,

Will Matney


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