[Amps] RE: Snipers are the scourge of Ebay]

Arthur Moe kb7ww at easystreet.com
Wed Oct 20 19:06:12 EDT 2004

I don't under stand your statement!!!!

Soap Box ON!!!

There is so much talk about shills that I feel that this is one way not to
get bit by one.  When I find an item that I would like to bid on I make my-
self a note of the item and what I want to pay for it. Then I watch the auction
from the sidelines and bide my time.  If I think that there is a shill in the 
bidders all I have to do is not bid or bid at the last second so the shill can
NOT up the bid. 

Come on guys and gals. Maybe some of you should take in some real cattle or farm
auctions LIVE and see what can go on there.....

Soap Box OFF!!!


K7RDX wrote:
> Snipers are the scourge of Ebay...I sold an item to one such person, and
> after he won my auction and requested shipping charges he also informed me
> he had won the auction with a sniping program and would I be interested in a
> copy....I completed the deal and placed him on my banned bidders list.
> World`s full of his kind cheating . Jim.
> ----- Original Message -----

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