[Amps] High Temp silcone rubber sheet, was chimney material suggestion GI35b

K7RDX k7rdx at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 23 14:37:03 EDT 2004

Hot water PVC works perfect with the GS-35b(At hf) and shows no sign of
melting even at full output for an extended period of time. Four inch fits
the tube cooler and I have used this type chimney in my amp here for four
years with no problems.It`s also a lot nicer than trying to brew something
from a sheet of plastic,etc.I have not tried pvc at vhf/uhf....Has anyone ?
----- Original Message -----
From: "R.Measures" <r at somis.org>
To: "Tomm Aldridge" <KD7QAE at ARRL.NET>
Cc: <amps at contesting.com>; "jeff millar" <wa1hco at adelphia.net>
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] High Temp silcone rubber sheet,was chimney material
suggestion GI35b

On Oct 23, 2004, at 9:02 AM, Tomm Aldridge wrote:

> Also, go to your local Target, Wal-Mart, etc cooking department and
> you will find Silicone baking sheets which are approx $10 / sq ft and
> fairly stiff so making a chimney should be easy.  Other options from
> the same area of the store are Silicone cutting "boards" and Silicone
> trivits (hot pads).  All of these will make respectable HV insulator
> material as well I would think.

Another way to go is to mod a round plastic food container with a
snap-on lid that is microwave oven safe:  cut a hole in the bottom with
a dedicated (to plastic cutting), conical soldering iron tip, glue the
box to the chassis with silicone rubber, let cure for 24-hrs, cut a
hole in the lid that will snap on over the anode.  //  note:  the
typical air temperature that comes out of an anode cooler is about
110ºF less than the softening point of such plastic.
> Tomm Aldridge wrote:
>> I believe you can get it from McMaster-Carr online.
>> jeff millar wrote:
>>> This question reminds me.  Who supplies the red high temp
>>> (silicone?) rubber sheet used in chimneys on some of the commercial
>>> amps?
>>> jeff, wa1hco
>>> Manuel R. Alonso / KC4MNE wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> Could PVC pipe be used for a chimney? If not were could I find a
>>>> suitable
>>>> material?
>>>> 4" is perfect for the GI35b tube?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> KC4MNE
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Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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