[Amps] Semtech?

R.Measures r at somis.org
Mon Oct 25 12:44:18 EDT 2004

On Oct 25, 2004, at 7:46 AM, Web Williams wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> Can you tell me the technical explanation (in an "Idiot's guide to" 
> method) as
> to why a conventional diode tester (that shows .6xx voltage across an 
> ordinary
> silicon diode) will not show any indication across these diodes?

-  Because there is typically one standard diode in series per 1000piv 
of rating.  Since the diode string is encapsulated, it looks like one 
long diode.  Most conventional diode testers are not suitable for 
testing multi-diode HV units.
-  cheers, Web

> Are they not
> just plain old standard diodes? What's inside the modules? Just 
> curious... and
> I bet you've "been there, done that"?
> Thanks, -Web
> R. Measures wrote:
>> FWD:  Apply c. 14vdc, in series with 20 - 500 ohms, with pos. to the 
>> anode-end.  V-drop should be approximately 7V for a 10KPIV unit.
>> REV:  Connect to high pot tester with neg. on anode-end.  Slowly 
>> increase inverse voltage until 2 uA flows.  This is the actual piv.
>> cheers, Web

Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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