[Amps] ARCO compression trimmer caps

Radio WC6W wc6w at juno.com
Sat Sep 11 09:55:01 EDT 2004

On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 06:01:29 -0700 Bill Turner <dezrat1242 at ispwest.com>
> Frustration!  I have pair of ARCO compression trimmers I want to use
> in a single-band amp in the input pi-network circuit and one of them
> has lost the mounting nut.  This is a non-standard thread and even my
> well-stocked box of spare nuts and bolts comes up empty.  The local
> hardware store has an extensive supply of US and metric nuts and 
> still nothing.  An experienced machinist friend guesses it might be a 
> 12-40 thread, but he's not sure.

Hi Bill,
   Sounds like you are dealing with a type 30 padder.

   Your friend is correct about the size.   The thread is standard,
albeit rare.

> Dan's Small Parts has the trimmer for sale with a note "NO MOUNTING
> Yeah, right.  :-) 

   I'll second that.

> Any one know what the thread is or where I can get one?

   I tried looking for some of those myself (including an internet
search) a couple years ago with no success.  I was even considering
making a few nuts from brass hex stock but, a 12-40 tap also proved
elusive, special order, and was quoted around $25.

> Thanks in advance,
> --
> 73, Bill W6WRT

73 & Good morning,
   Marv  WC6W  


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