[Amps] Panasonic tube radio

Jason Buchanan jsb at digistar.com
Sat Sep 11 22:20:22 EDT 2004

Bill Turner wrote:

>>Now that tubes have this cachet among audiophiles, regular humdrum tube 
>>circuits are costing 10 or 20 times more than they ought to.  
>That's funny.  Back in the olden days, audio purists chased after
>"perfect" fidelity.  Now that it is achievable way beyond what the
>human ear can detect, they want the "old tube sound".  
>People.  Sigh.

I bought an old 1968 ARRL handbook off the net and received it today - I 
think I read half the book in one sitting without stopping. 

I wish I could turn the clock back about 30 years - I feel like i've 
missed out on the experience of a lifetime.  I can't wait to start 
building from scratch some of the projects in that book using tubes. 

73 Jason N1SU

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