[Amps] GLA-1000 Boards

bb bbolin at yadtel.net
Sun Sep 19 14:48:46 EDT 2004

Based on the e-mails I have got I should have been clearer in my post.
I am aware of the Far Circuits pcb's.
I am working on a schematic package for the Dentron amps.
I have all the schematics final stages for the Dentron's but one, and was 
working on
component layout diagrams to go with the schematics
and didn't need to make a pcb.

I may have to order a set from Far I was just seeing if anybody had
a set not built yet and could scan them for me.
I don't think Far Circuits makes a stock power supply pcb for the Dentron's
So I will still need to get a scan of one.
I am not sure if the Far Circuits Tune input pcb is trace for trace the same
as the stock pcb I have not seen one in hand. If it is that would be ok and 
save time.
I only hope there is someone out there that has a set Far Circuits pcb not 
built up yet and/or stock pcb's with
a scanner. If not I will order a set to get what I need off of them and 
make a drive
over a friend's house to look at this Dentrons in his amp collection to get 
the other information I need.

Thank You

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