[Amps] Collins 30L-1 / 572's B

k7fm k7fm at teleport.com
Sun Sep 19 22:25:14 EDT 2004

Rich said:

"With 1700VDC on the anode, there would be virtually no advantage to 572Bs
for SSB."

Well, maybe not if you have no problem with holes in the plate.  Many years
ago, before I realized that you should have about as much plate dissipation
as you have output to be safe, I burned a hole about the size of a dime in
an 811A.  The 572B is much more tolerant to normal abuse because of the
superior plate construction.  Even normal tuneup can push the envelope of
the 811A.  No, you will not get any more output - but if the 572B tubes are
available they should last longer.

Colin  K7FM

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