[Amps] Equalising resistors with HV diodes

peter.chadwick at Zarlink.Com peter.chadwick at Zarlink.Com
Tue Sep 21 04:11:07 EDT 2004

Traian makes a very good point. Some 35 years ago now, I was at a company
doing MF SSB maritime transceivers. The  Buyer was instructed to buy the
cheapest transistors, and bought from Microelectronics in Hong Kong. First
problem was low drive - the 2N3866's were below JEDEC spec on DC Beta, and
we didn't bother trying to measure Ft. The reliability of the BC108's was
terrible - they didn't meet the published specification on Vcbo.

And of course, it was all the fault of Engineering!!!!

Somehow, this sounds a bit reminiscent of the horror stories of the early
3-500Zs from the far east.....


Peter G3RZP

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