[Amps] AM-6154 surplus found

David Vondrasek n5ito at davidv.net
Wed Sep 22 04:48:28 EDT 2004

At 12:28 PM 9/21/2004 -0500, David Vondrasek wrote:
>I just located 10 to 15  ITT AM-6154 amps still in the original shipping
boxes from ITT. 

<snipped own post>

Ok Guys I didn't mean to start a pile up *hi* I had 10-14 emails and 3
phone calls on the machine within 2 hours after posting and walking out the
door to go get these amps.  Some of you guys are desperate enough to track
down my phone number.. gezz.. *hihi*  I haven't replied to anyone via email
or returned any phone calls for a reason. So please bare with me. I wanted
to have my hands on the amps and here before I answered any questions about
them so I was positive what I had in hand. I JUST got back now as  2:43 AM
from the  4 hour drive up and the 6 hour drive back to pick up the amps and
I'm beat. The old 63 Chev Truck didn't like hauling  1400 lbs of 6154s it
doesn't normally carry around in the bed. Good thing I have a 350/4 Bbl
with a 4 speed in old Betsy. So I'll tell you what I know right now and
then I'm going to bed. I'm bushed.......

He had 21 amps at the location in a storage building. The gentleman had
already sold 6 of the 21 amps to his friends. 14 of them were still boxed
in ITT /FAA shipping boxes that were left. two or three of the boxes were
in pretty bad shape after all these years of sitting in a warehouse. All
but about two had been retaped a number of times, I assume from being moved
around all these years and the glue/tape originally used had rotted so they
had to retape the boxes. Three of the boxes almost fell apart when I tried
to load the amps in the truck.  Taped or not I opened each box to try to
get an idea what was in the box.  A couple had the formed Styrofoam still
sealed gray plastic bags never opened, along with the accessory box
enclosed in the box also like mine with cables etc etc. Not wanting to buy
a pig in a poke, I opened EVERY sealed bag and removed it to make sure 1.)
there wasn't a 75 lbs cinder block in the Styrofoam and I now I had a
expensive paper weight. 2.) make sure it hadn't been damaged some way and
had a big dent, scratch, missing parts and just repackaged. So.... at this
time nothing is " as it came from ITT ". I will not sell an item I have not
seen first hand and have someone call and say they got a box of rocks. (
Not that anyone here would do that) but I'm sure you understand.  What was
not sealed were still packed in the original formed Styrofoam packing molds
just missing the plastic bag around it.. I think I counted 3 that didn't
have the original foam and  had been repack with  a foam machine. The type
were you lay a blue plastic sheet over the item in the box and the liquid
foam is poured in the box for a tight packing/shipping. so there all taken
care of at any rate. they ALL have a label on the box from either the FAA
or ITT. A few are missing the accessory box, a couple have the cables in
the box but the box for the cables is gone. Bottom line is what I have is
14 AM6155s and everyone looks perfect. They all look as if they were just
taken out of the box. I can recall one or two that had the *refoam* packing
that had a "maintenance" sheet from ITT in the box with it as it it was
sent back to ITT for servicing. SO this may account for a couple of missing
cables or erratic type packing in the box.  Maybe some are amps sent back
to the FAA after services/maintenance being done to them. A couple had tags
attached that said " EXCESS UNIT". So the FAA had a few extras and just
stored them for later, and were never put back in service.

At any rate, tomorrow (Wends) , I am going to UNLOAD all fourteen amps (
damn they are heavy) I bought and brought back with me ,it's all my truck
could hold, (( well I could have brought back one more but my 17 year old
son refused to walk back to Dallas so I could but one up front with me,))
and do an inventory of each box and assign a number so I know what amp is
what and what each box has in it.  At that time I'll figure what I have
invested in the amps and what I feel is a fair price for each amp will be.
I'll email the final inventory list to everyone that asked me off list for
information. I'm always open to getting an offer on the amp of choice and
it's a first come first serve type deal if I feel the offer is acceptable.
I'm out a load of cash here my wife don't know about <grin> and I have to
get it replaced quick. But I could not sit back and watch the amps go to
the scrap yard <yes that's were they were headed before he found them>.

What I know as if NOW.
1. All have a shipping box from ITT/FAA
2. All have foam packaging around them, most the original.
3. All have been unsealed ( by me, see above reason)
4. Most have the accessory cables with them as shipped, some out of the box.
5. All are at least a 9.5 out of 10 if not in perfect condition on the
6. I have not and will not open the tops, sides, or covers. 
7. I will pull each RF deck is it wasn't sealed in plastic to verify a tube
is in place and it's condition/type.
8  None have been tested and are AS-IS.  They seemed to be wired for 220VAC
and I do not have plugs or 220VAC to test them.
9. If I did have 220VAC/plugs I wouldn't know what i was seeing anyway. So
I'll be honest about it up front.
10.What I don't sell and or use myself within a week are going on ebay to
the highest bidder. ( I need the funds back)
11. Shipping to any of the 48 CON US is going to run $45 to make it easy. I
priced several places and it's within 2-3 dollars either way. $45 is a mid
point to make it easy on my warehouse guy who does my normal shipping. I
have daily pickup and drop off via UPS.
12. They are now located at my HOUSE outside of Dallas, and I have to get
them to E. texas to my warehouse to be shipped (137 miles away). May be a
week before I can do that. hey I'm busy ok..
13. I now have 36 emails and 5 phone messages as of 03:41 AM asking about
the amps. Money Talks (Visa/MC/AMEX/MO/CASH)

I'll update tomorrow after the inventory..

Fair Radio has nothing on me :)

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