[Amps] ID IOT IC powered station wanted for exciting new project!

Bill Fuqua wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Fri Apr 1 11:34:22 EST 2005

A few years ago a local UHF TV  station gave our radio club their old TV 
transmitter to scavenge for parts. We did in a big way this was not long 
after 9/11 and my Father and I transporting the Klystrons on a flat bed 
trailer.  These came with a gurney type wheeled carrier that held a pair of 
tubes on a turret. We had two things that came up. One is one of the tubes 
became unlocked on the gurney and slid off the trailer just missing the 
rear hatch and window of Dad's van. We had to stop in traffic and get some 
help picking up 400 lb tube. One guy asked what they were, I said PHOTON 
torpedos. He laughed and we got it back on the trailer and continued the 
trip.  While traveling around the circular highway around Lexington, KY I 
noticed that no cars were passing us even thought we were going less than 
the speed limit. I looked into the mirror and saw a long line of traffic 
behind us but no one passing. It all of suddendly occurred to me. We should 
have covered these things. They look like missiles or bombs to the average 
person. These were EIMAC tubes which were red and with the boilers removed 
the black anodes looked like nose cones.  We made it home with out 
incident. One car did pull up next to us at a traffic light and a guy had a 
tire iron in one hand. But for some reason they had a change of heart and 
drove away.  Maybe they figured that we were carrying something more 
effective than tire irons.

Bill wa4lav

At 04:15 PM 4/1/2005 +0100, Mark Hill wrote:
>I hear and enjoy all the talk about 'tubes with handles' and very much look
>forward to future discussions here regarding 'tubes on wheels'!  I trust
>that somebody with friends in the right places and a spirit of adventure
>will figure out how to get an IOT into linear service on 20m!!
>Just tell the FCC they have to bring their own supply of water and hose
>pipes to make an inspection!!!
>At 15:53 01/04/2005, Joe Subich, K4IK wrote:
> >Now, with HDTV's (digital TV) 12 to 16 dB peak to average ratio
> >and the need to make up to 60 KW average output in some cases,
> >specialized tubes have reasserted themselves at UHF (though I doubt
> >any ham rig will ever use a multi-depressed collector Inductive
> >Output Tube - MDCIOT).
>Mark Hill - G4FPH
>E-mail: g4fph at mjha.co.uk
>Current web pages at: www.qsl.net/g4fph
>Old web pages at: www.g4fph.freeserve.co.uk
>Dipoles resonant on 1942/3695/7065 kHz
>2 ele delta loop beam resonant on 14180 kHz
>Remember - SIDE for HV safety:
>S witch off
>I solate
>D ump
>E arth
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>Amps at contesting.com

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