[Amps] article in Nature, modified Aurora via HF

MICHAEL FORD moo at midmaine.com
Tue Apr 19 06:48:19 EDT 2005

Subject: Re: [Amps] article in Nature, modified Aurora via HF

> In a message dated 19/04/2005 06:14:54 GMT Standard Time,  
> G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk writes:
> But how  many reports of the "Luxembourg effect" over the decades have 
> been due to  cross-modulation in receivers? We skeptics need to  know.

A similar effect was used on a daily basis at the Lohnsfeld Germany
receiver site. The transmitter was at Ft. Detrick MD and they would
come up along side a strong European broadcast station for the ride
across the pond. It was explained to me as the "parametric effect".
I worked there in the 196x era.

    Mike  k1ern

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