[Amps] U.S. Military chooses Harris

ToddRoberts2001@aol.com ToddRoberts2001 at aol.com
Wed Apr 27 19:41:33 EDT 2005

In a message dated 4/27/2005 6:26:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
craxd1 at ezwv.com writes:
Got this in an e-mail today about what the Marines chose for communications;

U.S. Marine Corps awards $75 million contract for AN/PRC-150 (C) 
high-frequency radios

Apr 26, 2005 4:12 PM

I have a Harris RF-590 receiver and last summer I had sent it to Harris for 
service. I had to wait several months to get it back and when I asked them why 
it was taking so long they told me they were swamped with repairs for radios 
the military was using over in Iraq. I certainly don't mind waiting in line for 
them to repair the radios our boys are using in Iraq. It hit home that we are 
difinitely in a war footing  with the insurgents in Iraq and those Harris 
radios are probably saving lives over there! 73 Todd WD4NGG

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