[Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 32, Issue 36

k7fm k7fm at teleport.com
Sun Aug 7 18:25:18 EDT 2005

Rich said:

"In all other HF 8877 amplifiers they are there.  Was Dick Ehrhorn and every 
other 8877 amp mfg out of line for using a parasitic suppressor?"

Rich, this is an interesting observation.  In the past, you have criticized 
almost every manufacturer of 8877 amplifiers because their parasitic 
suppression was not your standards.  So, if these manufacturers do not know 
what they are doing, why should they be the standard by which others should 
be measured.

There are many commecial amplifiers which do not use parasitic suppressors. 
Old tubes like 811s need them, because of internal construction.  But, the 
8877 is a modern tube similar to many of the high power tubes.  Many high 
power amplifiers used in commercial services do not use parasitic 
suppressors.  In fact, using one may be an admission of either an older tube 
or a dated design.

Colin K7FM 

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