[Amps] BK Precision Test Equipment

David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Thu Aug 18 17:19:43 EDT 2005

Will Matney wrote:
> All,
> I've had a few e-mails with questions about when I would be doing the service work for BK Precision test equipment. Right now, My contract will begin around Feburary 2006. Starting this October, things will be finalized, and by Feburary, all the repair parts will be shipped here except for the scopes. Eventually, they will be here too when I have the space. Until then, the scope parts will be shipped as needed. Right now, I can do some repairs, but not anything extensive without the parts and some special test jigs on hand. For anything extensive before then, please contact BK Manuals at the website and e-mail below. Tell them I sent you.
> One word about what the repair business will be. BK Manuals bought the rights, tooling, and parts for the entire test equipment line that was manufactured in the US by BK Precision. Most know that the new BK Precision equipment is now imported. BK Manuals have been doing the repair on the older equipment for BK Precision, and I will be doing that after Feburary 2006. This will be any repairs that come into BK Manuals from customers, or from BK Precision. BK Manuals will be discontinuing the service work so they can get the manufacturing started on the new equipment they are bringing back.
> Website;
> http://www.bkmanuals.com/
> E-Mail;
> info at bkmanuals.com
> Sincerely,
> Will Matney
> Amateur Transformer & Supply

I think we can all be thankful Agilent have taken a *very* different 
line to BK when it comes to documentation:

 From the site you link - I used '()' to indicate the bits from the 
site, and '//' to add my own comments.

() What We Do:

() Bkmanuals.com has purchased the copyrights to
() reproduce these manuals in order to provide the
() information necessary to operate/service these
() models.

() We own the copyright to listed BK Precision Equipment.
() It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights
() provided by the copyright law to the owner of that copyright.

() Instead of putting information about all the penalties
() and fines induced by Copyright Infringement, we are
() simply going to state these facts.

// Is that because there are no prosecutions?

()    * We have Attorneys on retainer.
()    * We look for pirates selling BK Precision copies.

// You must have better eyesight than me, as I never see anyone selling 

()    * We purchase the items they are selling.

()    * Our attorneys prosecute.

() We have a 100% conviction rate.

// Is that 100% of zero?

() It's just not worth it !

// I would agree. You might as well get a free license from Agilent and 
sell their manuals if that is what you want to do.

In contrast, myself and several others have licenses from Agilent to 
reproduce manuals


How much did the license cost me? $0.00
Can I charge for copies any amount I want? Yes
Do I personally sell copies? No - I have more interesting ways of making 
Can I put them on a public web server for free download? Yes.
Can I distribute on CD, DVD or similar? Yes
Do I have any online? Yes - see  http://www.g8wrb.org.uk/data/HP/

Sorry Will, but I for one will not be buying any BK test equipment - I 
think I'll stick to HP!!! At least I will not have to worry about the BK 
cops coming after me if I copy a manual!!

David Kirkby,

Please check out http://www.g8wrb.org/
of if you live in Essex http://www.southminster-branch-line.org.uk/

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