[Amps] 4K Ultra Restoration

Phil Clements philc at texascellnet.com
Sun Dec 4 15:22:37 EST 2005

> Can someone tell me what was the original blower used in the 4KU?  Looking
> at the Grainger catalog, it looks like the only one they sell that could
> possibly work is the Dayton 4C869, which is 230VAC @ 1600 RPM but I'm not
> sure of the opening size match.

The blower # in the 4-K manual is Henry part #00 49101. It is rated at 325
cfm. It is a 230 volt 1500 rpm unit.
> The amp was operational when I first saw it about a month ago although it
> took about 100W to get 1500W out of it so I am going to have to replace
the 8877. 

The ones I have repaired/operated did 2200 watts with 65 watts drive. If the
tracking has gone out of adjustment, this would cause low output. You will
need a service manual to properly adjust all the coils/capacitors to track
properly from 3-30 mhz. This is not difficult but a little time consuming.

Phil Clements, K5PC


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