[Amps] GS35B Plate connection suggestions wanted

jeff millar wa1hco at adelphia.net
Sat Feb 5 13:20:03 EST 2005

Tomm, George, et al...

If heat expands the anode cooler, it does not cause stress on the the 
GS-35b, because the the heat sink is completely above the tube's metal 
to ceramic seal.

It took a while to find the page you might have meant...maybe this one? 
That design looks over complicated to me, and more applicable to 
neutralized 20 dB tubes with handles than with 13 dB grounded grid triodes.

Here's some pictures similar to the suggestion to use a hose 
clamp...found on http://nd2x.net web site.

The amp I built was for 432 MHz...like this one.

Other Amps with hose clamps

The hard way to do a clamp...maybe Russian original??

Here's a semi-comercial amp using the stainless steel clamp technique

In fairness...wb8wju has a neat idea for HF amps...similar to an anode cap.

So, I think the hose clamp has enough design examples to show that it works.

jeff, wa1hco

gdaught6 at stanford.edu wrote:

>>The one time I did it...used a stainless hose clamp around the base of
>>the copper fins and pinched a wire under it.
>This is probably a BAD way to do it, because the anode cooler will 
>expand considerably going up to 250 degrees C!  The hose clamp could 
>result in some pretty big stresses in the tube.  
>Rich Measures' (AG6K) website has a neat way to contact anode coolers 
>that don't have caps for the purpose... or even those that do!
>George T. Daughters, K6GT
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>Amps at contesting.com

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