[Amps] GS35B Plate connection suggestions wanted

Mark Hill g4fph at mjha.co.uk
Sat Feb 5 15:51:29 EST 2005

I have a friend that built at 4 x 4CX250B PA for HF.  When it came to 
connect to the valve tops, he drilled a hole in each the anodes and used 
four screws.  Works fine!

The GS-35 should be even more suitable for such a 'KISS' approach.



At 18:20 05/02/2005, jeff millar wrote:
>Tomm, George, et al...
>If heat expands the anode cooler, it does not cause stress on the the 
>GS-35b, because the the heat sink is completely above the tube's metal to 
>ceramic seal.
>It took a while to find the page you might have meant...maybe this one? 
>That design looks over complicated to me, and more applicable to 
>neutralized 20 dB tubes with handles than with 13 dB grounded grid triodes.
>Here's some pictures similar to the suggestion to use a hose clamp...found 
>on http://nd2x.net web site.
>The amp I built was for 432 MHz...like this one.
>Other Amps with hose clamps
>The hard way to do a clamp...maybe Russian original??
>Here's a semi-comercial amp using the stainless steel clamp technique
>In fairness...wb8wju has a neat idea for HF amps...similar to an anode cap.
>So, I think the hose clamp has enough design examples to show that it works.
>jeff, wa1hco
>gdaught6 at stanford.edu wrote:
>>>The one time I did it...used a stainless hose clamp around the base of
>>>the copper fins and pinched a wire under it.
>>This is probably a BAD way to do it, because the anode cooler will expand 
>>considerably going up to 250 degrees C!  The hose clamp could result in 
>>some pretty big stresses in the tube.
>>Rich Measures' (AG6K) website has a neat way to contact anode coolers 
>>that don't have caps for the purpose... or even those that do!
>>George T. Daughters, K6GT
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Mark Hill - G4FPH
E-mail: g4fph at mjha.co.uk
New web site: www.qsl.net/g4fph
Old pages mirrored on: www.g4fph.freeserve.co.uk

Dipoles resonant on 1940/3700/7080 kHz
2 ele delta loop beam resonant on 14180 kHz

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