[Amps] 10dB and propagation

k7fm k7fm at teleport.com
Sun Feb 6 22:16:32 EST 2005

"I don't believe there is ANY transmitter on earth (amateur or pro) that
could influence the ionosphere by causing a non-linear behavior in that."

Looking at the situation in reverse, if an amateur transmitter (even
operating at illegal power) can cause a non-linear reflection, then it would
be probable that power used would be at the beginning of the non-linear
range.  If that was so, then higher power would be much more likely to
trigger the non-linear reflection.  There are enough higher power stations
operating that the event would be reasonably common, and AT&T would likely
have discovered it when they were using high power in the 30's for overseas
telephone service.  That such events have not been regularly reported by
higher power raises a red flag.

In the 50's, CQ carried an article that proclaimed that reducing power would
trigger ionospheric amplification.  It was in the April issue.   That sounds
like the same theory in reverse.  Perhaps this present discussion can be
submitted to CQ in time for the April, 2005 issue.

Colin  K7FM

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