[Amps] 10dB and propagation
W0UN -- John Brosnahan
shr at swtexas.net
Mon Feb 7 17:43:02 EST 2005
>The HAARP could just be a research tool.
>But like "AREA 51" it has attracted lots of attention and possibly needlessly.
"Needlessly" is the operative word here.
I get amused about all of the talk and the books about HAARP's super-secret
research work. When I was there, 18 months ago, there WAS a gate at the
entrance, but mostly to keep the RVers from driving through and setting up
camp. And there was a big fence around the array, most likely for two reasons
1) to protect personnel from going into the array during operation in order to
comply with RF exposure limits and 2) to keep large creatures out of the
It takes a very serious fence to keep moose and bear out of a research site
in Alaska.
Security? Well, I was there for a week, working on the two diagnostic radars
that I built for the program a number of years ago (50 KW pulsed radars
at 27.8 and 49.8 MHz) and no one asked me to sign in, or for an ID, or even
who I was. Of course I was with a scientist from Hansom Labs (formerly AFGL --
Air Force Geophysics Laboratory) who works there regularly, but there
was absolutely no security -- not quite like the picture painted by the
conspiracy theorists who try to make the case that HAARP is for
all kinds of clandestine programs. I have even seen claims that HAARP
may be responsible for the recent tsunami. It is AMAZING to me
that there are so many CRACKPOTS and LOONIES out there and the
internet and late-night talk radio gives them all an even greater voice.
There have been a number of ionospheric heaters ever since the first
one was built in Platteville, CO in 1970, near my old Colorado QTH.
Gorky, Russia, Tromso, Norway, Arecibo, Puerto Rico were all sites
for heaters and I have visited all of them except for Gorky.
I guess if I knew LESS I could write a book and make some money
promoting some crazy idea, but I know too much and can't and won't
perpetuate some sort of scam, like the books out there that do PURPORT
to know something.
73 --John W0UN
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