[Amps] Quick 220 outlet?

Harold B. Mandel ka1xo at juno.com
Mon Feb 7 21:22:32 EST 2005

Dear Jim,

I'm one of them kinda guys that turn off the breaker and use a meter to 
see if there's any juice.

After being knocked on my ass a bunch of times in the last 43 years
of working with broadcast nonsense I figure the deck is stacked
and it's better to LOCK-OUT / TAG - OUT AND VERIFY
even if it's in a hotel room ham shack.

Oh yeah, the hotel manager is a Navy Signalman. He sent the 
maintenance guy around to help me string the dipole off the roof.


On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 14:58:34 -0800 "K7RDX" <k7rdx at earthlink.net> writes:
> Hey Hal, did you wire the 220 plug with or without turning off the 
> main  breaker, or did you make an adaptor to power your RF device? Did
> hotel  brass know what you were doing? When I was a kid growing up one
> my uncles  was a electrician who didn`t use a test lamp...He just
pulled the 
> bare wires  thru his fingers fast to see if they were hot...Said he
could tell 
> 110 from  220 too...Didn`t hurt much as he`s a ripe old 87 now.Jim.

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