[Amps] Eimac 3500Z Vs. RFParts or Taylor Tubes

Joe Isabella n3ji at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 14 14:42:16 EST 2005

I was told by the RF Parts people that the Taylors and the RF Parts branded tubes are the same.  The only difference is $10 and an extended second prorated year on the warranty.  I got the RF Parts tubes and have been running them hard in AM in both a TL-922 and a Henry 3K-A for just over three years now.  I couldn't be happier and will NEVER pay the Eimac price for them.
Joe, N3JI

Javier <yv5mbx at arrl.net> wrote:

I am curious abt the high street prices of Eimac 3500Z tubes against Chineese Version.

Is my understanding that chineese tubes get not as hot as Eimac and provide abt 100 watts of extra power. If I am correct is the price difference based upon tube´s longvity?

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