[Amps] Re: compact coils...

ToddRoberts2001 at aol.com ToddRoberts2001 at aol.com
Tue Feb 15 20:16:13 EST 2005

In a message dated 2/15/2005 5:17:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
N7HIY at comcast.net writes:
The skin effect on 160m is almost nonexistent.  RF current flow at 1.8 MHz 
is evenly distributed across the cross section of the conductor.  Cooling is 
effective to lower resistance changes caused by heating.  We would be 
surprised how many of these low air flow tube tank designs used by amateurs 
reach 200d C plus in the tank circuit during high duty cycle operation 
mainly caused by heating from the tube and transformers.  The red/orange 
glow is indicative of something.

Cliff N7HIY

There is a very strong skin effect at 1.8 MHz. My skin depth calculator shows 
the RF skin depth for a round copper conductor at 1.8MHz is about .002 inch 
or about 2 mils. Hardly what I would call nonexistant at 1.8 MHz. 73 Todd WD4NGG

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