[Amps] [BULK] - shipping

R.Measures r at somis.org
Fri Feb 25 08:11:24 EST 2005

The safest package marking for delicate items is:  FECAL SAMPLES FOR 

On Feb 24, 2005, at 10:34 AM, Steve Katz wrote:

>  I had to add my 2 cents on this, my mom used to work at the main post
> office down town St. Louis. She always said not to over make a package
> as "fragile glass" because as they sort them they would make sure they
> threw, with a little extra force, the ones marked that way. I know it
> sound ludicrous but that's the story from here. The supervisor can't
> watch all people for the full shift.
> ::No so unbelievable.  A friend of mine ran the main UPS depot in 
> Toronto
> years ago and over lunch assured me that "FRAGILE" was a city in 
> northern
> Alberta where elk were trained to stomp on packages so marked, and 
> SIDE UP" represented nothing more than a challenge to the package 
> handlers.
> -WB2WIK/6
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Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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