[Amps] Magnet wire stripper

k7fm k7fm at teleport.com
Sun Feb 27 12:48:04 EST 2005

A young ham in town found the easiest way to use the enamel coated wire.

He built a kit with a number of toroids that used enamel coated wire,
without removing the enamel.  When it did not work, he brought it to my
house and I removed all the enamel for him and got it working at no charge.
My method is not very sophisticated, as I use whatever is handy to scrape
the enamel off.  I think the last time I used a soup can lid that was
waiting for the recycling bin.  I try to avoid using sharp objects, as my
wife is unmerciful when I draw blood doing something stupid.

Colin  K7FM

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