[Amps] Link coupling
r at somis.org
Sun Jan 9 15:42:19 EST 2005
On Jan 9, 2005, at 10:42 AM, Rob & Terri Sherwood wrote:
> What is being recommended here? A grounded secondary center tap or
> what? Yes I do get static build up when there are summer thunder
> storms nearby or even snow static build up in the winter on my 40
> meter EDZ. I am not sure what is being implied by "the big bang".
> Causing an lightning strike due to the way the tuner is or is not
> grounded?
Terri --- During an electrical storm, a charge slowly builds up on the
antenna. When the potential reaches the breakdown V, a sudden
discharge occurs and the process starts over. High-ohm resistors bleed
the charge off steadily so nothing arcs.
> R. Measures wrote:
>> On Jan 9, 2005, at 12:04 AM, G3rzp at aol.com wrote:
>>> The problem with the fixed link and varying secondary turns is that
>>> you need
>>> the secondary impedance to vary. There's some compensation in that
>>> as the
>>> number of secondary turns drops, the leakage reactance tends to
>>> increase.
>>> The problem with all of these tuners is that it's quite hard to
>>> control the
>>> working Q value. Too high a working Q pushes up the losses. Double
>>> the working
>>> Q, all other things being equal, and you double the circulating
>>> current,
>>> pushing the losses up by 4 times. Swinging links work by varying
>>> the leakage
>>> reactance, so you get a wide range of secondary impedances with
>>> hopefully, a
>>> controllable Q.
>>> One thing I don't like about the Matchbox, and that is the lack of a
>>> DC
>>> ground on the antenna for bleeding static away.
>> The trouble with a direct ground on a balanced feedline is increased
>> risk of sudden discharge -- as in "big-bang". To reduce this risk,
>> slowly bleed down the static charge with a 1-10 M-ohm HV-type
>> resistor from each side of the feedline to ground.
>>> ...
>> Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734. www.somis.org
Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734. www.somis.org
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