[Amps] Testing a tuner

Rob & Terri Sherwood rob at sherweng.com
Sun Jan 9 16:23:54 EST 2005

If the League is really only using resistive loads, then they could make 
the loads reactive with inductors or capacitors.  This would be time 
consuming, but what other option do they have?   The balanced L network 
tuners I have tried matched fine into resistors on 20 meters and above, 
but hooking them to a real antenna was another story. 

On the balanced L network tuners, putting a 10 - 100 pF variable 
capacitor on the input solved virtually all my matching limitations. 
What does this imply?   In every case the output Z was higher than 50 
ohms because swapping the L network capacitor to the input always made 
the matching worse.  So why did converting it to a Pi from an L make 
such an improvement?  The balun was always on the transmitter side. 

I am wondering if one could build a modern Matchbox with the following:
Two roller inductors in line mechanically and driven by a turns counter, 
and the link located in the middle between the two roller inductors.
Then of course we need a split stator and a dual differential capacitor.

Someone mentioned the issue of coupling between the balanced L network 
coils.  If there is too much mutual coupling between the coils, what 
will happen?

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