[Amps] OT help

Roger D Johnson n1rj at adelphia.net
Sun Jan 23 11:21:25 EST 2005

I recently tried to scan some Eimac tube datasheets for
David Kirby's website. I am using a HP OfficeJet 6110
with the supplied HP Director software which has a save
to PDF function. I found that some of the graphs in the
datasheets were "rotated" to what the program thinks is
the proper orientation. This happens when saving to PDF
and HTML formats. If I save as JPG, GIF, TIFF, etc; all
is well. I've spent several days exchanging emails with
HP tech support to no avail. I don't know where they are
located but their English is funny and they seem to be
completely unable to understand the problem. So, my
question is; does anyone know of a free or inexpensive
scanner program that will save scans as a PDF document?

Thanks and 73, Roger

Remember the USS Liberty (AGTR-5)

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