[Amps] HP / Agilent manuals

David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Tue Jul 19 03:30:13 EDT 2005

Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL wrote:

>>I made some comment to him about not having a list in Excel format, so
>>he sent me some pseudo HTML (you can see I don't like Windoze can't
>>you?) My browser (Mozilla 1.4 on Sun SPARC) has some problems displaying
>>this clearly, but it is readable. I'm suspect those of you using
>>Microsoft products will have no problems, although I have not tested it.
>>Same problems here - almost unreadable with Firefox, and barely readable 
>>even with IE6.
> The file is a Microsoft Excel file despite the suffix.  Open it up with 
> Excel and it displays correctly.
> 73,

It must be a mixture at least, as the first line of it has start with an 
HTML tag - the normal one you would use for any HTML file.

I know when I looked at the file with a text editor, I thought it was 
horrible HTML.

David Kirkby,

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