[Amps] HP / Agilent manuals

David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Tue Jul 19 04:08:57 EDT 2005

Ian White G/GM3SEK wrote:
> David Kirkby wrote:
>>>Following the postings some time back about Agilent scanning old HP
>>>manuals to put on their web site, I received an email from Dave
>>>Cunningham at Agilent
>>>yesterday, in which he sent me an updated list
>>>of what manuals he has which will get scanned and what is still wanted.
> Des anyone have user and service manuals for the HP8640-A, please?
> (Not the B with the digital readout, but the A model with the slide-rule 
> scale.)

Ian I can't help you, but ....

I have had an a few ideas recently about test equipment manuals and how 
we my get them free.



(It will at some point go onto a more appropriate web site, but for now 
that site is easiest for me, as I personally own and administer the web 

Note, at this point in time, pressing the "submit" button will NOT 
result in the data being recorded, so don't bother listing your full 
name, email, exact details of equipment etc, since it all goes nowhere.

I would however be interested in comments.

Would something like this be useful?

Would any of you be willing to scan part of a manual they own, but not 
all of it?

Would you be willing to loan a manual to someone - perhaps with a 
deposit? (Someone loaning me the HP 5370B time interval counter allowed 
me to produce a manual which I put online, but, which will soon be on 
the Agilent site too.)

How could the form at the above URL be improved (I expect there are 
spelling/grammatical errors, as it is in an early stage of development, 
so don't bother listing them.) Any other questions - any that are not 
needed? There will be a free entry text box where you can put additional 
information, but that is not there yet.

Please note, I don't wish for this to become a place where commercial 
sellers of manuals list what they have, so there will be no questions 
about buying/selling manuals.

Ideally the information should be put into a database, but I don't know 
much about them, so was thinking of a simple text file which people 
could search through with their browser. Perhaps however I will hook it 
up to a mysql database - just I have never been interested in databases, 
despite their obvious use, and in this case a database would be nice.

Any better way to solve the problem of unobtainable manuals? Agilent 
look like they will solve part of it with this effort But I don't think 
they are going to do it for every old bit of HP kit.

Note, I whilst I have some tube data sheets at www.g8wrb.org, I have no 
intension of storing copies of manuals on a web server - it would take 
too much disk space and too much network load. I did it for the 5370B 
since I scanned it, but sites like BAMA are willing to host manuals - I 
am not. But I don't mind putting something together to help others.

David Kirkby,

Please check out http://www.g8wrb.org/
of if you live in Essex http://www.southminster-branch-line.org.uk/

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