[Amps] Harris RF-125 Noise Reduction Unit

Chris Pedder chris at g3vbl.co.uk
Wed Mar 9 11:43:02 EST 2005


A friend of mine in SE Asia, who in spite of being an engineer dislikes the 
internet, is bringing back to life a Harris RF-110A amplifier. One day, 
while on the phone with him, I commented that the amplifier must be on 
because I could hear what sounded like a 'banshee' down the phone line.

He has gone through all the literature available to him, but cannot find 
any information on the RF-125 noise reduction unit. Does anyone have any 
details at all on the make up of this unit.... or even photographs of it? 
His small apartment would benefit greatly from its use.

I keep trying to persuade him of the merits of computers in amateur radio!

Chris G3VBL 

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