[Amps] [BULK] - Re: hp 8405a operations ??

Steve Katz stevek at jmr.com
Thu Mar 10 12:46:24 EST 2005

I tried to reply to this, but somehow it didn't post (I don't think).

The 8405A standard 50 Ohm tee accessory that fits the VVM probe tips
perfectly is P/N 11536A.

I have several, and see them surplus all the time.  They're passive, so it
would be rare to find a "bad" one.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Haupt [mailto:emailw8nf at yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 9:45 AM
To: amps at contesting.com; dansawyer at earthlink.net
Subject: [BULK] - Re: [Amps] hp 8405a operations ??

A probe tip to BNC male adapater was HP part number
10218A.  A trio of them sold on ebay a few weeks ago
for $77.  They show up on rare occasion there. 
Alternate part number for the same part is

A few years ago, I sucked in my gut and paid $90 each
for two of them, brand new, from Agilent.

In theory, this adapter is part of the oscilloscope
accessories product line.  If they offer a catalog of
scope probes and accessories, you might find a
reference in there.

I wouldn't want to have to attempt to repair a broken
probe tip.  I keep my 8405A's probes wrapped in pink
bubble wrap when I'm not using the instrument.


Dave W8NF

===In reply to====

Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 06:43:16 -0800
From: Dan Sawyer <dansawyer at earthlink.net>
Subject: [Amps] hp 8405a operations ??
To: amps <amps at contesting.com>


Based on input here and other places I purchased an
8405A. I have also 
found a pdf for the service manual on line so have
some idea about how 
to use it. That said I have a very low level question
connecting the probes. I constructed a very simple
phase system by 
connecting a 500 MHz 0db source to two 6 foot 50 ohm
cables connected 
together and terminated in 50 ohms. I connected one
probe to the signal 
at the terminator and one probe at the junction of the
2 cables. This 
effectively should measure the phase of a 500 MHz
signal over 6 feet.

The long and the short of it is this seemed to work.
The unit locked in 
and measured the phase. That said the actual
connecting the probes was 
very awkward. This unit has only the bear point at the
probe tips. 
making a connection is problematic. Does HP have
"probe ends" that can 
"lock" on? Does anyone know if these tips are
"standard" in the HP 

Sorry for such a simple question but getting the
instrument to read 
consistently is the first step in using it.


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