[Amps] Throttling power on a valved Radio

Adrian Rees (M1LCR) rees.a at btconnect.com
Fri Mar 11 13:47:22 EST 2005

Well we've just formed a contest group, and have gotten pretty serious about
contesting already.

Our main station comprises a pair of Dentron ML2500 Linears being driven by
a pair of 756PROII's.

Its pretty easy to load up the linears with the 756's driving them at 60-70

My query is, if one of the 756's fail, our standby rig is a FT102. How do we
throttle the power back from the FT102's 140-180W when tuned properly, to
the 60-70 to drive the Dentron's ?

(Not old enough to have lots of experience in valve technology !)

Any help appreciated.

Adrian Rees (M1LCR)
Sec. Barking Mad Contest Group / Wrexham ARS (GW4WXM)

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