[Amps] SB-200 blows fuses

Jeff Stewart stewgoat at indy.net
Sat Mar 19 01:45:41 EST 2005

I just put my SB-200 on 220 volts, used it on an 80 meter net one night just
fine.  Two nights later, while tuning up it popped  the fuses on my home 220
volt sub-box.  Pulled the tubes (they seem to look ok) and the amp still
blows the fuses each time I turn it on.  No loud bang, pop or any noises
when it died and they only thing inside that looks funky is c12 (.02) on the
tube side of the filament choke.  C12 had a black spot on the outside.
Would it be a good place to start by isolating the filament tap (6 volt) to
see if it still blows the fuses?  No hi-pot tester here but any advice will
be helpfull.


My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I

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