[Amps] AL-811H
Don Nesbitt
nesbittdr at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 30 15:49:01 EST 2005
The 572B's will work fine - but - without increasing
the anode voltage you likely won't get anymore output
- just the satisfaction of knowing that you have lots
more plate dissipation for an extra margin of safety.
The "factory" cooling in the 811H is pretty much on
the marginal side in the first place but it does work
OK when the amp is run according to Ameritron specs.
Unless you just happen to have 4 572B's laying around,
why bother to go to the extra expense? Go with it as
is and recapture the romance ;-) It is spring!
Have fun es 73 -- Don N4HH
--- Daniel Hileman <n9wx at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Thanks for all the input about the MLA-2500 and the
> 811h, I think I'm gonna
> go with the 811H. Here's another question to which I
> THINK I know the
> answer. Will putting 572B tubes (and Maybe a bigger
> cooling fan) in my 811H
> allow for more output (kinda like the Al-572) or
> will it just be easier on
> the amp? I have heard some say it will put out a KW
> or so...but I think that
> would require a bigger power supply, and if sooo,
> might as well leave it
> alone or buy an AL-572. I'm just curious.
> Thanks,
> Daniel N9WX
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