[Amps] Alpha 78

Gary Smith wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 25 16:29:10 EDT 2005

Go to any auto body paint supply store.  Most of them are able to computer color match the color of whatever it is (in the case your Alpha 78 front panel) you bring to them.
Gary... wa6fgi
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kenneth Grimm 
  To: AMPS 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 12:54 PM
  Subject: [Amps] Alpha 78

  I have a new front panel installed on a Alpha 78 that I recently 
  acquired, but the cabinet is still a grungy, sticky mess.  Naturally I 
  would like to strip and paint it.  Alpha suggest that I take the old 
  cover to a body shop and have it matched, but I'm afraid it may be too 
  messed up to ever get an accurate match.  The sticky paint has acquired 
  so much dust and grime over the years, I can't get a good match off of 
  it.  Has anyone tackled this problem and happen to have a paint formula 
  handy?  A Krylon or other canned paint number would be even greater.   :-)


  Ken K4XL
  k4xl at arrl.net

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