[Amps] Need loading cap, plate transformer, doorknobs

Jim Kearman jkearman at att.net
Thu Nov 10 08:43:30 EST 2005

1. Need a ~900 pF air variable suitable for 1500-W amp. Must be less than 9" long behind the panel. I have a nice EF Johnson 153-32-4 but too long for my cabinet.

2. Need a 2500-3300 pF doorknob for coupling cap in same amp, suitable for use with 3600-V supply.

3. Also interested in a good Peter Dahl ARRL-01, -02 or -03 transformer, if you have one gathering dust. 

I could be at Montgomery, AL hamfest Saturday to p/u transformer if the price is right. (Current new price is $424 + shipping.)

Building a single GS-35B HF amp. Suggestions and comments from other builders welcomed, jkearman /at/ att.net.



Jim, KR1S

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