[Amps] 220V wiring: Was Question about safety ground connection

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at ispwest.com
Fri Nov 18 10:40:13 EST 2005

At 05:46 PM 11/17/2005, Gary Schafer wrote:

>Then how about all those 120 volt appliances in your house? I would get rid
>of them too. If you have an open neutral going to the house you will have
>all sorts of items in series across 240 volts to worry about. I have had
>this happen and survived! So did all the appliances!

Are you citing your one experience with an open neutral as proof that 
it is safe for everybody? I have seen other posts about the havoc 
caused at their houses by an open neutral.

The more I learn about the history of our electric system in the US, 
the more I realize it is a collection of patches to a fundamentally 
flawed system, beginning with the old two-wire non-polarized plug of 
the early days and going on from there. Please do not put any words 
in my mouth from this comment. I'm not saying we should tear 
everything out and start over, but we should be aware of the possible 
built-in hazards and why they exist.

73, Bill W6WRT

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