[Amps] AL-811H etc

R.Measures r at somis.org
Sat Oct 1 07:57:19 EDT 2005

On Oct 1, 2005, at 3:59 AM, almacottage wrote:

> i have the  AL811 with 3 tubes , i directly swapped the 811a tubes for 
> 572B tubes and run the high voltage at 1900v [ie in the red segment of 
> HT meter] .
> i found that on these amps the original anode parasitic chokes

  In a HF/MF amplifier, R//L VHF parasitic suppressors are not "chokes". 
  They are a device that reduces the VHF Rp* presented to the anode.  
Less Rp means less VHF amplification, which in turn means more 
stability at the anode's unavoidable parasitic resonance.  (typically 
from 43MHz to 160MHz)

*  Rp = Parallel-equivalent R.  Achieving less VHF Rp requires less VHF 
suppressor Q.

> overheat and burn out when being used on 10m if amp is used for any 
> period of time other than for very short dx pileup calling .
> to cure this i made new chokes using 2x 100ohm [2 watt] carbon 
> compound resistors in parallel  and a u shaped inductor made from 
> 16swg enamelled copper wire, 85mm total length of wire and bent around 
> body of an n-plug .
> i find that the cooling of this amp is inadequate and id say that this 
> is the real problem in AL811 failures more than anything else .
Inadequate tube cooling does not cause parasitic suppressor resistors 
to toast or filaments to shatter. .

> ...

Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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