October 2005 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Oct 1 01:42:01 EST 2005
Ending: Mon Oct 31 23:13:54 EST 2005
Messages: 738
- [Amps] Millen dipper
Bill Aycock
- [Amps] Ameritron AL-811H-- Again
Peter Chadwick
- [Amps] Ameritron AL-811H-- Again
- [Amps] Ameritron AL-811H-- Again
- [Amps] AL-811H etc
- [Amps] Question
Will Matney
- [Amps] Outgassing tubes.
exray at bellsouth.net
- [Amps] Pi-L network calculator
wc6w at juno.com
- [Amps] Millen dipper
- [Amps] Question
Will Matney
- [Amps] why 3-500Z?
John T. M. Lyles
- [Amps] Power cord to use when converting AL-80B to 240 volts?
- [Amps] the last story on why need 3-500Z
John T. M. Lyles
- [Amps] Ameritron AL-811H-- Again
OTAKEBI at aol.com
- [Amps] Problem with AL-80A
Kari Lehtimäki
- [Amps] Sell Socket GU 84b
marco peppe
- [Amps] Henry 2K Classic X repairs
Gene Bigham
- [Amps] Transformer Efficiency Question?
wc6w at juno.com
- [Amps] Help for Quadra 12 1nd 10 meter enable
Richard Cardwell
- [Amps] Burning in...outgassing..whatever!
exray at bellsouth.net
- [Amps] air variable min C?
Scott Townley
- [Amps] 3CX3000A7 amps for sale
Peter Pan
- [Amps] Power cord to use when converting AL-80B to 240 volts?
Neal Sacon
- [Amps] Outgassing tubes.
Will Matney
- [Amps] Plate Cap
- [Amps] Fw: Power cord to use when converting AL-80B to 240 volts?
Bill Coleman N2BC
- [Amps] Power cord to use when converting AL-80B to 240 volts?
Will Matney
- [Amps] Power cord to use when converting AL-80B to 240 volts?
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] motorola 900 mhz amp
Robert Epling
- [Amps] Outgassing tubes.
Will Matney
- [Amps] 4CX1500 or not ?
Patrick Egloff
- [Amps] Energy stored in capacitor bank ?
Frank Goenninger DG1SBG
- [Amps] Refurbishing CB amp
- [Amps] Power and Grounding White Paper
Jim Brown
- [Amps] PDF Files
Will Matney
- [Amps] why not 3-500Z
John T. M. Lyles
- [Amps] not sockets, only exchanging tubes
John T. M. Lyles
- [Amps] TL-922A Low power out in 160m
J. Hector Garcia XE2K
- [Amps] SELL: Alpha 76A Tuned Input & Antenna Relay
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] TT Centurion _ squeal
Henry Pfizenmayer
- [Amps] SELL: Alpha 76A 2KW+ Tank Circuit Component Package p
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] Amperex 3-500G (France)
John E.Cleeve
- [Amps] Amperex 3-500G
John E.Cleeve
- [Amps] Is cleanliness next to God-liness?
Frank N. Haas
- [Amps] help needed sorting out a tube rectifier circuit
chris at yipyap.com
- [Amps] Plate Choke Alternatives
wc6w at juno.com
- [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 34, Issue 15
K3vw at aol.com
- [Amps] 3-500 Amperex tubes
John E.Cleeve
- [Amps] Tube Identification
Robert Dorchuck W6VY
- [Amps] WTB: AL-80B or AL-572
Scott Manthe
- [Amps] MA1000B METRON
Ronald Smith
- [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 34, Issue 17
pradeep.kumarasiri at gmail.com
- [Amps] Ameritron AL-1500 Problem
Jose E. Ribeiro Sa
- [Amps] W6PO
- Re: [Amps] Outgassing tubes.
Peter Chadwick
- [Amps] What's inside a vacuum relay?
- [Amps] Fw: What's inside a vacuum relay?
- [Amps] Henry Amp Conversion
Bob Maser
- [Amps] Chinese parts
wc6w at juno.com
- [Amps] Ameritron AL-1500 Problem (Mike Schatzberg)
Wilson Smith
- [Amps] Energy stored in capacitor bank ?
- [Amps] 4CX250B
W5gi at aol.com
- [Amps] SELL: EBM High Quality/Volume Blowers
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] Henry 4K on 160?
wc6w at juno.com
- [Amps] [BULK] - Henry 4K on 160?
Steve Katz
- [Amps] Power Supplies and Blowers
Dino Darling
- [Amps] [BULK] - One PS, many amps
Steve Katz
- [Amps] One PS, many amps
David Smith
- [Amps] caps for W6PO design
Jim Hoge
- [Amps] Amp for JOTA
Tim O'Rourke
- [Amps] Seeking readings from a functioning Ten-Tec 444
Dave Haupt
- [Amps] 2006 ARRL Handbook
Bob Maser
- [Amps] 2006 ARRL Handbook
Bob Maser
- [Amps] 220MHz amp info
N7KA at comcast.net
- [Amps] 2006 ARRL Radio Handbook
Bob Maser
- [Amps] more sb220 questions
John Adkins
- [Amps] Advise on Oscilloscopes
David C. Hallam
- [Amps] 220MHz amp info
Harry Brown
- [Amps] SELL: 3-500 RF Deck component Package
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] SELL: Alpha 76 Series Amplifier Manual
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] fl2100
- [Amps] Peter Dahl Transformer in a SB-220
Robert Dorchuck W6VY
- [Amps] SELL: Alpha 76A Dedicated 1KW 6m Amplifier
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] 3-500 / 4-400 cooling.
John E.Cleeve
- [Amps] 2006 Handbook
- [Amps] fl2100
Roy Koeppe
- [Amps] 2006 ARRL Radio Handbook
- [Amps] AL-80B Questions
Tom Martin
- [Amps] One PS, many amps
David G4FTC
- [Amps] 2006 ARRL Handbook
Wt8r at aol.com
- [Amps] (no subject)
Frank Goenninger DG1SBG
- [Amps] 2006 ARRL Handbook
Wt8r at aol.com
- [Amps] amateur code
John Irwin
- [Amps] amateur code
John Irwin
- [Amps] 80B
Tom Martin
- [Amps] arent we a little off topic here??
Sean Williams
- [Amps] Original socket Gu 84B
marco peppe
- [Amps] SELL: Variable Inductor Component Package
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] Air mover
Paul Loret
- [Amps] Amplifier panel meters and panel
Bill Fuqua
- [Amps] 80B
Tom Martin
- [Amps] Fw: L7 PS?
ec1cwg at dxhunters.com
- [Amps] One PS, many amps
David G4FTC
- [Amps] Metron MA 1000b Misbehaving
Paul Marbourg
- [Amps] Metron MA 1000b Misbehaving
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] sb220 relay
John Adkins
- [Amps] amateur code
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] 3-500 coolijng question
Gene Bigham
- [Amps] amp humor
Gene Bigham
- [Amps] Metron MA 1000b Misbehaving
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] Dear Reflector,
Peter V. Ritter
- [Amps] Centurion Oscillation and fan squeal
Henry Pfizenmayer
- [Amps] SELL: Heath SB200 Tank Circuit Component Package
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] alpha 87a and Pro II question
Dan Eskenazi
- [Amps] Original socket Gu 84B
marco peppe
- [Amps] alpha 87a and Pro II question
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] alpha 87a and Pro II question
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Low power output from 4-400A linear
Bruce Lanning
- [Amps] Low power output from 4-400A linear
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] FS YC156 tubes
- [Amps] FL2OOOB
- [Amps] Please remove me from this group
Paul and Alison Roulston
- [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 34, Issue 37
K3vw at aol.com
- [Amps] FL2OOOB
Mike Schatzberg
- [Amps] FW: alpha 87a and Pro II question
Keith Dutson
- [Amps] Racal TA1816 Amplifier for sale.
Sean Williams
- [Amps] Alphas and 781s
Rob & Terri Sherwood
- [Amps] Zink Cromate Primer
Ron Spencer
- [Amps] zink primer
Ron Spencer
- [Amps] Wanted: plate choke
Bill Turner
- [Amps] Henry Amp Needed
Bob Maser
- [Amps] Pretreatment of Aluminum for painting
N7KA at comcast.net
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Wanted: plate choke
Bill Turner
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
Lon W. Cottingham
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
K Van Horn
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Dr. William J. Schmidt, II
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Gary Schafer
- [Amps] Drake L4 with 3-400Z photos
Jason Buchanan
- [Amps] FW: [adxa] [Fwd: [CADXA-TEMPE] The rest of the story]
N7KA at comcast.net
- [Amps] HT...........................
John Parkins
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Bill Turner
- [Amps] Alpha 87A and PROII
Dan Eskenazi
- [Amps] Low power output from pair of 4-400A
Bruce Lanning
- [Amps] Centurion Amp
n3nd at aol.com
- [Amps] OT-Free PC monitor switches....
thaxton at ptgroup.com
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
K Van Horn
- [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps
JCoupejr at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Best RF-Ground Story
- [Amps] Grounds and Grounding
- [Amps] Best RF-Ground Story
- [Amps] RF Grounding
Bruce Lanning
- [Amps] ALPHA 87A Fault 24
Glenn Christopherson
- [Amps] Good Ground on 160
- [Amps] FS New Bird 43 and case
- [Amps] Antenna Tuner Overheating
Jim Brown
- [Amps] More on RF Grounds
Alek Petkovic
- [Amps] Fw: Good Ground on 160
- [Amps] Low power output from 4-400A Amp.
Bruce Lanning
- [Amps] Toyo High Power HP2Kw fx
Tim O'Rourke
- [Amps] AC wiring
wc6w at juno.com
- [Amps] Henry amp problem
- [Amps] MLA-2500 Power Supply Capabilities
Walter Miller, AJ6T
- [Amps] AC wiring
- [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 34, Issue 60
Tom Martin
- [Amps] SB-220 filament transformer
Lon W. Cottingham
- [Amps] Center Tapped Secondary Circuit
Angelo Karabetsos
- [Amps] AC wiring
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
- [Amps] AC wiring
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] TWE T500M Linear amp
- [Amps] white paper on power system issues
John T. M. Lyles
- [Amps] TWE T500M Linear amp
David G4FTC
- [Amps] T500M
Robert Dorchuck W6VY
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] TWE T500M Linear amp
David G4FTC
- [Amps] AC wiring
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] Looking for info 902 MHz HI-SPEC 2C39 Water Cooled AMP
Mike Krzystyniak
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
- [Amps] AC wiring
- [Amps] Center Tapped Secondary Circuit
Angelo Karabetsos
- [Amps] AC Wiring 400 amp
- [Amps] AC Wiring 400 amp
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
- [Amps] Center Tapped Secondary Circuit
Angelo Karabetsos
- [Amps] Center Tapped Secondary Circuit
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] Really BIG Amps
Keith Dutson
- [Amps] DTR-1200L
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] AC wiring
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Breakers, Fuses, Tripping, and Wire Size
Jim Brown
- [Amps] Bird 43 Blown / Repair ?
- [Amps] Anyone in Florida work on 4-1000 amps
- [Amps] Center Tapped Secondary Circuit
Angelo Karabetsos
- [Amps] tube(s)
carl seyersdahl
- [Amps] High voltage connectors > 5kV rated working voltage for PS to RF deck connection _
Frank Goenninger DG1SBG
- [Amps] High voltage connectors > 5kV rated working voltage for PS to RF deck connection _
wc6w at juno.com
- [Amps] 4CX1500B vs 4CX1000A
Shawn Tayler
- [Amps] titan amp
Ron Spencer
- [Amps] Wanted: Henry 4K Ultra or 3KA
Bob Maser
- [Amps] High voltage connectors > 5kV rated working voltage for PS toRF deck connection _
Frank Goenninger DG1SBG
- [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 34, Issue 71
John T. M. Lyles
- [Amps] SELL: Henry 5K Classic Amplifier
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] monster plate transformer
John T. M. Lyles
- [Amps] Dentron MLA2500
rees.a at btconnect.com
- [Amps] WTB: SK516 3-1000 chimney
Mike McCarthy, W1NR
- [Amps] Dentron MLA2500
rees.a at btconnect.com
- [Amps] twin 4CX10 000D RF amps and more
Dick Knol
- [Amps] twin 4CX10 000D amp and more
- [Amps] High Voltage cable - fitting into SHV type plugs
- [Amps] twin 4CX10 000D RF amps and more
cw_de_ka0w at mchsi.com
- [Amps] Dentron MLA2500
rees.a at btconnect.com
- [Amps] procedure
Littlebucketsful at aol.com
- [Amps] procedure
- [Amps] Diode Identity
- [Amps] Diode Identity
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] FW: High Voltage cable - fitting into SHV type plugs
Larry Carman
- [Amps] FW: High Voltage cable - fitting into SHV type plugs
- [Amps] Diode Identity
- [Amps] HP VTVM Parts
David C. Hallam
- [Amps] Diodes
john.brewer at us.schneider-electric.com
- [Amps] 1kw from single 3-500
Gene Bigham
- [Amps] FW: High Voltage cable - fitting into SHV type plugs
Larry Carman
- [Amps] 3-500z
cherokeehillfarm at earthlink.net
- [Amps] 3-500Z and Cooling Requirements
Steven Cook
- [Amps] 8950's
Rocky Clayton
- [Amps] Mobile high power
pa3duv at planet.nl
- [Amps] looking for source of Doorknob caps besides ebay
Partain, Chuck
- [Amps] Mobile high power
Philip de Cadenet
- [Amps] Racal Dana 9028P
Will Matney
- [Amps] Mobile high power
- [Amps] Mobile high power
- [Amps] Mobile High Power
Philip de Cadenet
- [Amps] Mobile high power
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] Mobile high power
wc6w at juno.com
- [Amps] Amp Supply LK450 Manual
Mark Hill
- [Amps] Mobile high power
- [Amps] Mobile high power
Carcia, Francis A HS
- [Amps] Mobile high power
- [Amps] looking for source of Doorknob caps besides ebay
Partain, Chuck
- [Amps] PSU Designer: How to model a glitch resistor ?
Frank Goenninger DG1SBG
- [Amps] Sell Socket GU84B
- [Amps] Amp 101
Robert Tortajada
- [Amps] Amp 101
Colin Lamb
- [Amps] 30S-1
K. Indart
- [Amps] New Vacuum Relay Supplier
w6ah at comcast.net
- [Amps] Titan 425 amp
Ron Spencer
- [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 34, Issue 90
K3vw at aol.com
- [Amps] AL-1200 on AM
Daniel Hileman
- [Amps] Titan Below S/N 1000
Ron Spencer
- [Amps] Titan more drive helps grid current
Ron Spencer
- [Amps] FS YC156 tubes
Larry Carman
- [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 34, Issue 92
K3vw at aol.com
- [Amps] shield an RF deck ?
- [Amps] Amp Repair
Natan Huffman
- [Amps] SELL: Henry 2K4 Amplifier Components
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] Toyota SUV's For Mobile?
Jim Brown
- [Amps] QSK from FT1000MP to QRO HF-2500DX
Nick - VE3EY
- [Amps] Eimac 8560A Tubes
Lawrence Anderson
- [Amps] Need grid current wiring help
w2cqm at juno.com
- [Amps] Titan 425 amp
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Clipperton L
David N.
- [Amps] Mobile high power
- [Amps] Drake L-4B PSU burned resistor
Alan Ibbetson
- [Amps] [BULK] - Drake L-4B PSU burned resistor
Steve Katz
- [Amps] Racal Dana 9028P
Peter Chadwick
- [Amps] Mobile high power
Peter Chadwick
Last message date:
Mon Oct 31 23:13:54 EST 2005
Archived on: Mon Oct 31 23:14:05 EST 2005
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).