[Amps] alpha 87a and Pro II question

Gary Smith wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 11 00:19:34 EDT 2005

Alpha said "send it in"...  for what reason?
I would ask them this question (and, how much?) before I would give them Cart 
Blanche with my checkbook.
73 and good luck,

Dan Eskenazi wrote:
> Greetings from Seattle....
> have a technical problem im hoping i can find an answer to here on the 
> reflector.
> I recently noticed my 87a tripped and gave me FAULT #1  something about a 
> Rcv PIN...
> i have been using a newly bought PRO II and wonder if it is a function of 
> some adjustment i may need to do to the PRO II
> its a 1990 Alpha 87A.
> The symptom is that it faulted the first time when i had unwittingly had 
> the drive on the PRO up to full..100w.
> the fault then continued to happen when i would use VOX on ssb, or QSK on 
> CW...ie the initial RF going into the amp would trip it. I usually drive 
> the amp w/ about 40-50 watts.
> However when i use the PTT on the mic and pause before speaking, the amp 
> works fine. ....also when i push the XMIT button on the rig and THEN send 
> cw it also works fine.
> I hope there is something simple i can cure this with, as I dont want to 
> give up QSK and VOX.
> I should have started this message with the fact that Im QCAO...Quarter 
> Cent. Appliance Op....and not technically minded one bit.
> any plain english help would be greatly appreciated...
> im reachable at desk at nwlink.com
> ps: I called Alpha and they said "send it in".... im hoping to avoid that.
> 73
> Danny K7SS 
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