[Amps] alpha 87a and Pro II question

Dan Eskenazi desk at nwlink.com
Mon Oct 10 23:52:40 EDT 2005

Greetings from Seattle....

have a technical problem im hoping i can find an answer to here on the 
I recently noticed my 87a tripped and gave me FAULT #1  something about a 
Rcv PIN...
i have been using a newly bought PRO II and wonder if it is a function of 
some adjustment i may need to do to the PRO II
its a 1990 Alpha 87A.

The symptom is that it faulted the first time when i had unwittingly had 
the drive on the PRO up to full..100w.
the fault then continued to happen when i would use VOX on ssb, or QSK on 
CW...ie the initial RF going into the amp would trip it. I usually drive 
the amp w/ about 40-50 watts.

However when i use the PTT on the mic and pause before speaking, the amp 
works fine. ....also when i push the XMIT button on the rig and THEN send 
cw it also works fine.

I hope there is something simple i can cure this with, as I dont want to 
give up QSK and VOX.

I should have started this message with the fact that Im QCAO...Quarter 
Cent. Appliance Op....and not technically minded one bit.

any plain english help would be greatly appreciated...
im reachable at desk at nwlink.com

ps: I called Alpha and they said "send it in".... im hoping to avoid that.

Danny K7SS 

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