[Amps] 2006 ARRL Radio Handbook

Gary Schafer garyschafer at comcast.net
Fri Oct 7 21:56:36 EDT 2005

Do they still have the rf detector built in a tube shield for a heathkit 
vtvm? They rode that one for 40 or so years.

Gary  K4FMX

Bob Maser wrote:
> Folks, I can save you the price of the new Handbook, which is $39.95 at your 
> local ARRL bookstore.  In the RF Power Amplifier chapter,  the only change 
> is the K8RA which was inserted to replace the Sunnyvale/St. Petersburg 
> 4CX1600B amplifier.  This makes sense because the 4CX1600B has been phased 
> out of production, so I'm told.  They left the 6M 4CX1600B amp and the 2M 
> 3CX1200A7 amp.  The rest of the chapter is word for word and picture for 
> picture the same as was in the last handbook that I bought in 2000.
> So, all you need to do is find some sucker like me that already bought the 
> 2006 version and talk him into making a copy of K8RA's amp.  I haven't 
> really looked into the other chapters in any detail but I'll bet they're 
> essentially the same as before.  Oh, I must tell you that you do get a CD 
> that contains the whole book on CD-ROM.  I haven't been able to figure out 
> how to get it out of the jacket yet.
> Bob  W6TR 
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