[Amps] Power Supplies and Blowers

Tony King - W4ZT amps080605 at w4zt.com
Thu Oct 6 14:15:48 EDT 2005


I purchased a nice blower from Grainger. It is the Dayton 4C447
1610 RPM, which will deliver 265 cfm at 0.0" static pressure and 184 cfm 
at 0.4" static pressure. That is for two tubes and it sells for about 
$68. They have another nice blower which is the Dayton 2C647
that delivers 134 cfm/0" and 96 cfm/.4". It is a 1500 RPM blower so it 
is quiet compared to a 3000 RPM blower. It sells for just under $50. 
Bigger is better though and the more cfm/pressure the better if you are 
going to run it through a hose. The 4C447 sells for about $65.

It is important to maintain an equal or better opening than that of the 
blower all the way to the cathode compartment so that any back pressure 
you have will be because of the tube and socket, not because of your 
hose. A 4" drier hose comes real close for the 4C447. Don't forget a 
screen over the cathode opening for shielding AND bug protection. A 
screen and filter over the inlet of the blower is a better idea for dust 
and insects.

73, Tony

Dino Darling wrote:
> Hello to the group!
> I'm slowly moving forward on my 2 amplifier projects.  I'm in the information and parts gathering stage.
> Amplifier #1
> Single GS-35B for 6-meters
> Amplifier #2
> Dual GS-35B for HF
> (both amps will use W4ZT's awesome sockets!)
> http://www.gs35b.com/socket/index.html 
> I believe I've read on here before where some owners have built MONO band amps but powered them all from a single power supply.  So I thought, "Why not design a single power supply, capable of supplying a pair of GS-35Bs easily, and have it power a single GS-35B also."  I should actually SAVE money over building two separate power supplies, although this project will be a little more expensive than building just one.
> So, one power supply deck and TWO RF decks.  It has been suggested that I use vacuum relays to switch between the two RF decks.  I was hoping to have them both run in standby at the same time.  I obviously do not know enough and am therefore here seeking guidance.  I will only operate one amp at a time.
> One of the big expenses is the power supply transformers.  I am aware of Peter Dahl and MagCap.  Are there any other suggestions for transformer manufacturers?  I understand that Henry had his transformers made in Los Angeles.  I was going to call him today.
> I'm working on getting the required specs to order the appropriate transformers.  I am also looking for any input this group may have.
> Second question, how do I determine what blower to buy?  I would think that all I need is a CFM requirement for the tubes and buy the appropriate blower.  I'm finding that its not this simple.  I was thinking that a larger blower with a lower RPM will be quieter.  I have given thought to building a blower enclosure and insulate it to help keep the noise down.  Where should I start looking for blowers and what advise could you give me?
> I plan on documenting this project as I move along.  I'm working on getting some web space to post pictures and commentary.
> Thanks for ANY advise you can give me!!!
> Dino - K6RIX
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