[Amps] One PS, many amps

W2RU - Bud Hippisley W2RU at frontiernet.net
Thu Oct 6 15:33:36 EDT 2005

Dino Darling wrote:

>I believe I've read on here before where some owners have built MONO band amps but powered them all from a single power supply.  So, one power supply deck and TWO RF decks.  It has been suggested that I use vacuum relays to switch between the two RF decks.  I was hoping to have them both run in standby at the same time.  I obviously do not know enough and am therefore here seeking guidance.  I will only operate one amp at a time.
Years -- no, that's not quite right -- decades ago, W1MX used just such 
a system.  We had a bunch of HF monoband push-pull 304TL amplifiers tied 
to a single HV supply.  We had a single Collins exciter.  When we 
changed bands we switched only two functions -- the RG-58 from the 
exciter, and primary power to the 304TL filament transformer in the 
selected amplifier.

So obviously I don't know enough, either, because I'm not understanding 
what the suggested vacuum relays are for.

Bud, W2RU

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