[Amps] Power Supplies and Blowers

Dino Darling k6rix at earthlink.net
Thu Oct 6 13:50:29 EDT 2005

Hello to the group!

I'm slowly moving forward on my 2 amplifier projects.  I'm in the information and parts gathering stage.

Amplifier #1
Single GS-35B for 6-meters

Amplifier #2
Dual GS-35B for HF

(both amps will use W4ZT's awesome sockets!)

I believe I've read on here before where some owners have built MONO band amps but powered them all from a single power supply.  So I thought, "Why not design a single power supply, capable of supplying a pair of GS-35Bs easily, and have it power a single GS-35B also."  I should actually SAVE money over building two separate power supplies, although this project will be a little more expensive than building just one.

So, one power supply deck and TWO RF decks.  It has been suggested that I use vacuum relays to switch between the two RF decks.  I was hoping to have them both run in standby at the same time.  I obviously do not know enough and am therefore here seeking guidance.  I will only operate one amp at a time.

One of the big expenses is the power supply transformers.  I am aware of Peter Dahl and MagCap.  Are there any other suggestions for transformer manufacturers?  I understand that Henry had his transformers made in Los Angeles.  I was going to call him today.

I'm working on getting the required specs to order the appropriate transformers.  I am also looking for any input this group may have.

Second question, how do I determine what blower to buy?  I would think that all I need is a CFM requirement for the tubes and buy the appropriate blower.  I'm finding that its not this simple.  I was thinking that a larger blower with a lower RPM will be quieter.  I have given thought to building a blower enclosure and insulate it to help keep the noise down.  Where should I start looking for blowers and what advise could you give me?

I plan on documenting this project as I move along.  I'm working on getting some web space to post pictures and commentary.

Thanks for ANY advise you can give me!!!

Dino - K6RIX

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