[Amps] One PS, many amps

Gary Schafer garyschafer at comcast.net
Thu Oct 6 17:08:18 EDT 2005

Ian White G/GM3SEK wrote:
> Phil Clements wrote:
>>>>I believe I've read on here before where some owners have built MONO band
>>>amps but powered them all from a single power supply.  So, one power
>>>supply deck and TWO RF decks.  It has been suggested that I use vacuum
>>>relays to switch between the two RF decks.  I was hoping to have them both
>>>run in standby at the same time.  I obviously do not know enough and am
>>>therefore here seeking guidance.  I will only operate one amp at a time.
>>Frank Donovan, W3LPL is probably the world's best source of info on 
>>this type of lash-up. His multi-multi contest station, as I recall, had 
>>amps for each band, with only one power supply. It may still be in 
>>No, you don't need any relays to switch HV; just excite the amp you 
>>want to use. I would highly recommend HV glitch resistors in each RF 
>>deck, and also in the power supply.
> A separate resistor in each amp would reduce interaction and voltage 
> drop, but a resistor is needed in the power supply as well, to handle 
> the situation where one of the B+ leads shorts to ground.
> Each amp also needs its own separate anode and grid current metering. A 
> Triode Boards customer is looking at this right now, and I think I've 
> second-guessed how Frank must have done it, with isolating diodes in the 
> B-minus return.
What about if you don't light the filament on each amp?

Gary  K4FMX

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