[Amps] 2006 ARRL Radio Handbook

Dino Darling k6rix at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 9 02:26:14 EDT 2005

The ARRL really needs to contract an independent, non-biased, professional 
amplifier engineer and have him re-write this entire chapter!  I bet there 
are a few errors still too..

At 09:35 PM 10/07/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>In the RF Power Amplifier chapter,  the only change
>is the K8RA which was inserted to replace the
>Sunnyvale/St. Petersburg 4CX1600B amplifier..<snip>..
>The rest of the chapter is word for word and picture for
>picture the same as was in the last handbook that I
>bought in 2000.

Dino...k6rix at earthlink.net 

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