[Amps] Power cord to use when converting AL-80B to 240 volts?

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Sun Oct 2 20:35:14 EDT 2005


Yup, I know a guy doing it. The main big one in Fl goes by Ghost Rider if I recall but don't know his real name. I found out about him from a transformer company in New Jersy who makes transformers for him. They're junk and class C as you say. That's the amps those guys are using down amplifier ally they call it. Or the states from about Ohio to Florida. This guy don't have any idea about how to make anything linear I dont think and merely tries to copy stuff out of ARRL books, or other amps that's been built in the past. All G-G amps I think. They may work for CW but they're not worth a quarter for voice.



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On 10/2/05 at 8:19 PM John Vickers wrote:

>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Will Matney" <craxd1 at verizon.net>
>> Well no! About every amp now is made for AM/SSB use unless.............
>Will, Didn't make myself clear. I wasn't refering to linear use on AM,
>fellows down in N. Fla are producing class C finals and modulators for the 
>cb crowd. Custom made for their driver of choice.
>I still have several AM rigs here, but seldom use them anymore. My
>is a single 450TH with 810 modulators. The 450TH's would be a good subject 
>for the gassy tube thread ! Out of 4, only one left that isn't bad gassy. 
>(they're over 60 yrs old)
>73 WA4TT 
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>Amps at contesting.com

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