[Amps] SELL: 3-500 RF Deck component Package

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Sat Oct 8 16:37:53 EDT 2005

Offering a pair of completely wired tandem pair of Johnson 3-500
porcelain sockets with bifilar choke, grid bypass resistor/capacitor, and
RF blocking caps factory  installed. Completely intact and ready to drop
in. No cut wires. Package includes a B&W #800 HV plate choke on a Teflon
rod (tapped both ends), two silvered parasitic choke assemblies, low
profile heat dissipating plate caps (if clearance is a problem), Hvy Dty 
3PDT 12VDC antenna changeover relay and two high quality Rodnati domed
glass chimneys. $235+ shipping from zip 18426. Ron W2CQM/3


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